Hendrick Goltzius, The Dragon Devouring the Companions of Cadmus
Hendrick Goltzius, The Fall of Phaeton 1588.
Hendrick Goltzius, Companions of Cadmus Devoured by a Dragon (Ovid's Metamorphoses) c. 1590.
Hendrick Goltzius, Orpah Leaving Ruth and Naomi 1576.
Hendrick Goltzius, Portrait of Francoise van Egmond 1580.
Jacob Matham (After a Design by Hendrick Goltzius), Beached Whale Near
Katwijk 1598.
Hendrick Goltzius, Marcus Curtius 1586.
Hendrick Goltzius, Saint Jerome in the Desert 1596.
Hendrick Goltzius, Publis Horatius 1586.
Hendrick Goltzius, The Annunciation 1594.
Hendrick Goltzius, The Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist c. 1593.
Hendrick Goltzius, The Dead Saviour Supported by an Angel 1587.
Hendrick Goltzius, Portrait of the Shell Collector Jan Govertsen
van der Aer (1545–1612) 1603.
Hendrick Goltzius, Cadmus Slays the Dragon 1610-1620.
Hendrick Goltzius, Mercury 1611.